Mother Nature can be genuinely amazing. Sometimes it might outdo even the most talented creative hands and minds. One need not look further than how it colors its animals in the most unexpected and original markings you can imagine. Pictures of animals with unique fur markings is a long standing tradition here at Bored Panda. Special honor is extended to cats in this regard, but is that really surprising? After all, cats truly have been the kings and queens of the internet. Let’s be honest, whose day wouldn’t get better after seeing a cat with a hipster’s mustache? When I look at pictures of Kitlers, I too reminisce about the olden days of the internet.
Yet, nowadays, it isn’t all about cats and their cute little paws. Other animals deserve to be represented and have their shot at being famous too! For that reason, we’ve sprinkled some other unique fur pattern owners in here. Which one captured your attention? Let us know in the comments!
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Wow. What A Unique Beauty
Fur color for cats and dogs is determined by their genes. Interestingly, there really are only two pigments: black and red. The rest are variations, and white is the absence of the two colors. Orange, brown and gray are dilutions of the two main pigments. All these other colors besides black and red develop because of mutations, modifiers and genetic factors.
Zorro And Bandit Are Ready To Fight Crime
Marked With A Downvote Since Birth. Still A Very Good Boy
This Two-Faced Cat Called Quimera
So how does a cat get a permanent and natural zorro mask around its eyes? The science behind cat and dog genetics is pretty complex, but it generally comes down to dilution and coloration. A lot of the interesting markings on animals are just lucky ways pigment is distributed along the animal’s coat. The color of extremities ‒ face, feet, tail, ears, even nose ‒ can be influenced by temperature. Colder parts of the body are darker, while warmer parts tend to be lighter.
He Wears His Heart On His Head
Feel Free To Boop Or High-Five The Snoot
Lucky Number 7
There are cases when strange markings on the fur can be alarming. The color of a pet’s coat might slightly change the older they get. New or unusual patches of color can indicate a more serious problem. Also observe the quality and thickness of your pet’s hair. If it’s diminishing or appears different from the usual, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian.
This Is Heidi. Heidi Has Vitiligo
Spot-Bellied Eagle Owls Are Known To Possess Heart-Shaped Markings On Their Plumage
"That's One Dapper Mustache , Sir"
It’s a thing of true beauty to have a pet blessed with a unique fur pattern. Sadly, not every owner is so lucky. What to do if your furry friend lacks that oomph in the looks department? Custom looks can be created with pet outfits and accessories. Pet stores offer a wide variety of animal apparel. From sparkly bows to elaborate human-like suits, it’s now possible to play dress-up with your pet. Then again, what if you want to match your pet’s outfit to yours and that hot dog costume on your dachshund just isn’t enough?
A Black Vitiligo Kitty
Meet Wiley, The Dalmatian Puppy With A Heart-Shaped Nose
He Has A Big Heart
As three different veterinarians have told Allure, it is medically safe to dye your pet’s hair. As long as non-toxic dyes are used, there should be no harm to pets. Although there is a moral dilemma: the coloring selfishly only benefits the owner, so should it be ethically okay? As with most things when it comes to our pets’ wellbeing, experts advise us to observe their behavior. If your dog or cat doesn’t like the process of getting their fur colored, they will surely let you know.
Cat With A Split-Colored Face
This Is Sam. He Has Eyebrows
Multicolor Budgie
There are some things to look out for if you’ve decided to color your pet at home. Neater Pets advises to never use human hair dye on animals. If you’re determined to give your pet a colorful makeover, be sure to use dyes that are not permanent. Safe to use are natural food coloring, Kool-Aid or fur chalk. Permanent human hair dyes can contain bleach or hydrogen peroxide. Using those on your furry best friend might result in increased shedding, skin irritation or even chemical burns. Also keep in mind that your pet might ingest the dye that you’re using when licking themselves.
My New Kitten
This Cat With A Unique Marking On Her Butt
Scrappy’s Coat Pattern Started Getting White When He Was 7 Years Old. Most Likely, This Is Due To A Rare Skin Condition Vitiligo (Extremely Rare In Cats)
Natural food coloring is made from vegetables, fruits or flowers and shouldn’t pose any threat to your pet’s coat and skin. Kool-Aid is another safe option. This method works best on lighter-colored fur and will fade out in around two weeks. The shortest-lasting makeover you can give your pet is with fur chalk. It washes out easily with shampoo and is designed specifically for fur dying.
Venus The Two-Faced Cat
This Paw Has A Small Paw Mark
The Pattern On My Dog's Chest Looks Like A Cat Mid-Sneeze
The safest way to color your pet, of course, is to go to a professional. Groomers that are trained in coat dying will take the best care of your beloved fur ball. It’s guaranteed they’ll use only non-toxic products that will cause no harm and will make a lot less mess than you would in your home bathroom. The aesthetic outcome should be more pleasing as well, after all, these people are experts and have years of experience doing this kind of thing.
This Lurker With Interesting Fur Patterns
This Cat's Fur Pattern Looks Like A Boy Holding A Heart
Creative grooming in itself is not a new concept, at least in the world of dog owners. The American Kennel Club does not oppose dying canines’ hair, yet they strongly advocate for doing so responsibly. They emphasize that professional groomers should complete appropriate training prior to getting licensed.
This Pupper’s Markings Look Like A Bat
A Fine Choice There Sir
Mustache Cat. Yes, It's Real
Some states in the US have banned dying pets’ coats. Among them are Colorado, Florida, Maine and South Carolina. Check with the local authorities if your pet’s new look can cost you a fine or lead to your pet being taken away altogether. There’s reportedly some leeway when it comes to enforcing these laws, but it is still technically illegal.
There Is A Squirrel With 3 Different Colors In Their Fur That I See In My Backyard Every Day
This Chicken With Heart-Shaped Spots
My Foster Kitten’s Fur Spells Out “Meow”
This Cat's Markings Make It Look Like It's Nose Is Missing
My Sister's Puppy Has A Unique Fur Pattern That Makes It Look Like She Has Glasses
This Lamb Whose Markings Make It Look Like A Cow
Kitty With A Heart Pattern On The Legs
My Dog Has A Silhouette Of A Fat Cat In His Fur Pattern
This Golden Retriever Has A Black Birthmark On The Left Side Of His Face
He Is Very Proud Of His Heart And Pants Patterns
My Cat Has A Cat-Shaped Pattern On His Paw
Calf Has A Heart-Shaped Marking
The White Patch Of Fur On My Puppy's Chest Looks Like A Bird
Brown Or Black?
These Kittens With Perfect Mustache Patterns
One Of The Coolest-Looking Dogs I've Ever Seen
whether on humans or animals, I find the arabesques of vitiligo magnificent
A Family Returned Her Because Her Fur Wasn't Getting Long. Their Loss Is My Gain - She Is Such A Sweetie
A Blonde Squirrel On My Old Mail Route
This Goat Has A Goat On Its Goat Fur... Goat
Moving Out Of A Crime-Ridden Environment Has Done Wonders For Him And His Stress Levels
His fur is softer and he's gotten festively plump in only 5 months!
Not Your Traditional Aww But My Neighbor’s Llama Named Goblin Came To Say Hi While I Was In The Garden
This Stray Cat With A Heart On His Fur
I love the patchwork quality, matching it to the tail. A lot of detail went into this creation 😉
Look At This Handsome Guy
Note: this post originally had 100 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.
This is what I want to see 😍 Not celebrity junk