“Everything Ends Up In The ER”: Nurse Goes On A Truthful Rant Begging People To Listen
There is no universal healthcare in the US. The government does not provide benefits to citizens or visitors, so any time someone needs medical attention, someone has to pay for it.
On top of that, healthcare in the country is very expensive. According to a government website, if you break your leg, you could end up with a bill for $7,500. If you need to stay in the hospital for three days, it will probably cost about $30,000.
And Lex Hinkley has a problem with this system. After witnessing how it operates from the inside, the 27-year-old nurse based in San Diego recently turned to social media to share why she thinks America needs to “completely dismantle” its current model.
27-year-old nurse Lex Hinkley recently shared her frustration with the American healthcare system, and explained why she thinks all the for-profits have to go
Image credits: travelingnurse
“It is virtually impossible to be a ethical healthcare worker in this extremely unethical healthcare system.”
“The amount of times I’ve had to discharge patients back to situations where I knew they weren’t going to be able to take care of themselves but I had no other options is truly too high to even give a number to.”
Image credits: wanderrlex
“If my career as a healthcare worker has done anything to my worldview or life it has simply radicalized me further than anyone could believe.”
“But more so than anything else, I know in my heart that there is no way, shape, or form that we improve our society as a whole without completely dismantling ‘for profit’ healthcare.”
Image credits: travelingnurse
“I’m gonna share with you guys a story that is so beyond f**king disgusting and yet completely unsurprising, and I have seen varying levels of this happen at every single hospital I have worked at.”
“I’ve been a nurse for four years. I’ve worked in seven states. It is happening everywhere, and if you think your hospital is different, you’re f**king wrong.”
Image credits: travelingnurse
“Recently, and I mean as of December, hospitals in Louisville, Kentucky came under fire for leaving patients outside on f**king sidewalks.”
“They do this in front of shelters, they will drop patients off in front of shelters just like this. But sometimes they don’t even take them to the shelter, they literally leave them right outside the hospital.”
Image credits: travelingnurse
“This specific patient was left in this condition in 36 degree weather. The whistleblower who brought this to the media was a female employee, presumably a healthcare worker, at this hospital, and she said she sees this a lot.”
“This reporter said, ‘So I started watching and on December 16th at 7 p.m., 35 degrees outside, I recorded three security guards surrounding an elderly woman with a walker and slowly escorting her out of the emergency room.'”
Image credits: travelingnurse
“In order to understand what could potentially lead to a situation like this, we need to know two things.”
“One, the United States has a law called EMTALA, which basically says that healthcare workers in emergency rooms and hospitals have to, at the very least, stabilize patients. Meaning, make sure they’re not actively dying before discharging them.”
“The second thing you need to understand is that when you defund social programs, it all ends up in the ER. When you defund senior care, when you defund psychiatric care, when you defund shelters, whether it’s homeless shelters, woman’s shelters, when you defund the safety nets that our society needs to prevent people from beginning a crisis downward spiral, they end up in the ER.”
Image credits: Pixabay (not the actual photo)
“And simply put, ER workers and hospital workers are already at their f**king wit’s end. We cannot act as a catch-all for every single issue in society, and yet, we are. Here we are doing it. And at the very f**king same time, treating people like literal f**king garbage? Should never f**king happen. Should never f**king happen, and yet I understand what caused that situation to occur.”
“Because I’m sure that in a red state like Kentucky, those social programs are even worse funded than in the states that I’ve worked in. So these people, and by these people I mean patients, healthcare workers, and their bosses, have no f**king options. Meanwhile, the executives of that hospital are probably f**king out on a trip in the Caribbean on their 7th yacht.”
“The only way to fix this, the only way to fix situations as unethical and disgusting as this from happening is to fund solutions. We need to fund proper safety nets for our society.”
Image credits: travelingnurse
“In this country, if you lose your job, you lose your health insurance, you potentially lose all of your income, which means you’re not going to be able to pay rent. Well, then what happens if you get sick? Do you see what I’m saying? We don’t have safety nets for our poor in this country.”
“We have a greased chute. And at the very bottom of that greased chute of poverty is a trip to your local emergency room. Because everything ends up in the ER. And then we have nowhere to place people. We have no way to help people.”
“And so people in that position get frustrated because they feel like they can’t f**king do anything and they’re being expected to have the answers for a very f**ked up system. They’re having to answer for all of these executives, these corporate executives who have privately funded their own bank accounts instead of publicly funding our communities.”
Image credits: Natanael Melchor (not the actual photo)
“So while it is f**king disgusting and inexcusable for any healthcare worker to treat a human being like that, I am telling you, society, you and me, right now, we’re levelling with each other.”
“The only way to avoid that s**t happening is to fund social programs. We have to fund elder care, we have to fund psychiatric care, we have to actually develop systems to help unhoused people.”
“Look at what the mayor of Detroit has done. There are options. There are solutions for these problems, but they cost money. They cost money. And we, as a society, have said that we’re a-okay with 400 people having 70 percent of the nation’s wealth, while our community members get treated like this.”
Hinkley’s emotional rant has since gone viral
@travelingnurse #healthcare ♬ original sound – lex RN BSN
A majority of Americans agree with her
Among the public, 63% of U.S. adults say the government has the responsibility to provide health care coverage for all.
When asked how that should be achieved, 36% of Americans say a single national government program is the answer, while 26% say it should continue to be a mix of private insurance companies and government programs.
Interestingly, a 54% majority of Democrats and Democratic leaners now favor a single national government program to provide health insurance, while among Republicans and Republican leaners, a 66% majority says the government does not have the responsibility to make sure all Americans have health care coverage.
Image credits: Cedric Fauntleroy (not the actual photo)
The United States trails far behind other high-income countries on healthcare
In 2021, the Commonwealth Fund took upon itself to assess the health care system performance in 11 high-income countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The organization analyzed 71 performance measures across five domains — access to care, care process, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcomes — drawn from Commonwealth Fund international surveys conducted in each country and administrative data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the World Health Organization.
The results showed that the top-performing countries overall are Norway, the Netherlands, and Australia. The United States ranks last, despite spending far more of its gross domestic product on health care. The U.S. ranks last on access to care, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcomes, but second on measures of care process.
Four features distinguish top-performing countries from
the United States:
- they provide for universal coverage and remove cost barriers;
- they invest in primary care systems to ensure that high-value services are equitably available in all communities to all people;
- they reduce administrative burdens that divert time, efforts, and spending from health improvement efforts;
- they invest in social services, especially for children and working-age adults.
So it sounds like nurse Hinkley’s take is right on the money.
Makes you want to cry. It's isn't just the US getting worse either - it's everywhere as far as I can see. Needs massive wide-sweeping change. Revolution style probably as the people we get to vote for are usually wealthy, self-interested CUNextTuesdays and not fit for purpose. I'm going to go and make some ice-cream... this is just too depressing!! Dark Chocolate and Coffee flavours if anyone fancies some!! 😊
Count me in! YUM!
My friend was admitted into hospital in the UK with breathing difficulties and a high fever. He was on a trolley in the Emergency Department for over 48 hours as they had no beds for him. He 'died' twice and had to be put into an induced coma. He had no place to go back to as Social Services assessed his living situation and said it was too dangerous to return to his flat because of domestic abuse. Once he recovered, he was diagnosed with COPD. He was stuck in hospital for 18 weeks because they couldn't find a suitable place for him to stay, but he wasn't permitted to leave because that would have counted as making himself voluntarily homeless and taken away his ability to access housing services. Then they threw him out with only 2 hours notice and forced him back to his old flat, where he still lives with his abuser. No assessment has been done for his COPD so he has no idea how serious it is or how long he might have left to live.
That's the bad implementing of a good system though. What we should have iswell l funded universal healthcare with good coordinating with social services. What we have is tories
If poor little Canada can provide free health care, AND 1 year maternity leave AND a decent minimum wage surely the greatest country in world can! ( Quoting all modern presidents) Mind we do. have a 33% tax rate on income over 1/4 million. And we still have billionaires!
Why would you quote “modern presidents”? It’s not as if they’re people of great character who do as they say they will do. Quote someone who tells the truth. The LAST thing we need to be doing is putting stock in people who haven’t our best interests at heart and the things they say. 😕
I think David's point is that we're always being fed this happy horses*** about "the greatest country in the world!" When the data show otherwise.
Most of those multi-billionaires are legally squirrelling their money away, frequently in offshore accounts/investments where the US economy gains no benefit whatsoever, and often pay less personal tax than ordinary Americans. Think of that for a second. Your government is colluding with people who have so much money they couldn’t spend it in several lifetimes to help them avoid paying fairly back into the economy. Your government is populated with people who want this or already have it, so they aren’t going to work to change it. Don’t get me wrong, every country has some billionaires, multi-billionaires. And every country enables them like this. I find the US the saddest because from the outside it looks like the citizens are considered disposable, unless they are in the womb. They don’t care what kind of life the children will have, so long as they’re born. Then they’re just another disposable person. “At will” employment makes my blood boil! Where’s your job security?
Two weeks vacation a year… two! And due to “at will”, you’re often pressured to forgo it. I know more than most outsiders, my younger brother has lived in the States for over 20 years. He recently told me, proudly, he hasn’t taken a vacation in 7 years. I asked “why not?”, he replied, “well, someone I respect told me when I got this promotion, ‘let’s see you keep hold of it’”. Me! I was that person. Poor choice of words to encourage him to keep flying high. I’m like, “I never meant for you to compromise your physical and mental health. No job is worth 7 years of your life 24/7/365.” He shrugged and replied, “This is what it takes.” YOU. ALL. DESERVE. BETTER!
Fr I live in one of the poorest/most crime ridden cities in the US and we don't even have income tax. Taxes help the city, which helps make things better
Uh, upvoted… I know sarcasm when I read it 😉
This is why USA is being considered less and less a civilized country by us small fishes from the other side of the pond
Americans feel the same way
This comment is hidden. Click here to view.
I am so glad you let us know. I mean I know all over the news, people were wondering what Procrastionatiostation was thinking about the USA. It really helps us here. Thank you for your efforts.
I realize this kind of thread feels like the common BP trope, “let’s bash the USA”. Can’t blame you for that. I try to keep my posts respectful and, honest(!) it’s an overplayed record here. Some of us are trying hard to get through to people who aren’t Rostit and encourage them to see US citizens deserve better. I know you see the dystopia; don’t take these things personally. You aren’t the demographic we’re trying to convince to demand better of your government.
Thank you, JB. You may have just saved BP for me, as I was very close to deciding to stop coming here after double digit years. For the first time ever on this site, I lost my cool below and told someone to f off. I'm not proud of that, but it's so hard hearing that all Americans should be ashamed of themselves when so very many of us (and nearly every person in my orbit) care about this issue so much and are doing everything we can to try to turn the tide. It has pretty much been nonstop anguish here since Nov. 8, 2016. And it's so rare for anyone here on BP to support us good ones. Anyway, I'm very grateful for your comment and may you be the beneficiary of all good things.
The very first comment in this thread at least does say it's not just the US, it's worsening everywhere. I think most people who pay attention to the world realise that. Don't despair Red Marbles!
Thank you so much, Lucas! May you also be the beneficiary of all good things. :)
Thank you. My younger brother has lived in the US for over 20 years. I’m relying on people like you and him to fight within the system. Meanwhile, I’m going to push for those who don’t see how poorly you are being treated compared to most other Western Civilization countries. It’s not simple but I believe you deserve better.
Some people don't need it pointed out. But a large minority do.
So our image on the world stage means nothing to you?
This comment is hidden. Click here to view.
Agree, I would love that the U.S. had universal health care and stop spending, sending our tax monies to countries around the world. The $75 billion (so far) sent to Ukraine would help, also decommissioning the 80 some military bases throughout the world supported by U.S. tax dollars could possibly fund universal health care. But, alas the World seems to need a protector from the bad guys and it has fallen to America.
We are the bad guys.
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Ah, Europeans telling the world how only Europe is worth anything. So, basically,s ame thing the world's heard sicne the first Europeans left to conquer, colonize, etc. Got it. Olds, not news. BTW, how's that right wing fascism resurgence going in Europe?
At least there is a choice - not just right and further right. There are also centre left revivals going on. Europe is a variety of different countries though which is why the comparison doesn't work. Sure, raise colonialism, if history is the only way you can have a pop.
Makes you want to cry. It's isn't just the US getting worse either - it's everywhere as far as I can see. Needs massive wide-sweeping change. Revolution style probably as the people we get to vote for are usually wealthy, self-interested CUNextTuesdays and not fit for purpose. I'm going to go and make some ice-cream... this is just too depressing!! Dark Chocolate and Coffee flavours if anyone fancies some!! 😊
Count me in! YUM!
My friend was admitted into hospital in the UK with breathing difficulties and a high fever. He was on a trolley in the Emergency Department for over 48 hours as they had no beds for him. He 'died' twice and had to be put into an induced coma. He had no place to go back to as Social Services assessed his living situation and said it was too dangerous to return to his flat because of domestic abuse. Once he recovered, he was diagnosed with COPD. He was stuck in hospital for 18 weeks because they couldn't find a suitable place for him to stay, but he wasn't permitted to leave because that would have counted as making himself voluntarily homeless and taken away his ability to access housing services. Then they threw him out with only 2 hours notice and forced him back to his old flat, where he still lives with his abuser. No assessment has been done for his COPD so he has no idea how serious it is or how long he might have left to live.
That's the bad implementing of a good system though. What we should have iswell l funded universal healthcare with good coordinating with social services. What we have is tories
If poor little Canada can provide free health care, AND 1 year maternity leave AND a decent minimum wage surely the greatest country in world can! ( Quoting all modern presidents) Mind we do. have a 33% tax rate on income over 1/4 million. And we still have billionaires!
Why would you quote “modern presidents”? It’s not as if they’re people of great character who do as they say they will do. Quote someone who tells the truth. The LAST thing we need to be doing is putting stock in people who haven’t our best interests at heart and the things they say. 😕
I think David's point is that we're always being fed this happy horses*** about "the greatest country in the world!" When the data show otherwise.
Most of those multi-billionaires are legally squirrelling their money away, frequently in offshore accounts/investments where the US economy gains no benefit whatsoever, and often pay less personal tax than ordinary Americans. Think of that for a second. Your government is colluding with people who have so much money they couldn’t spend it in several lifetimes to help them avoid paying fairly back into the economy. Your government is populated with people who want this or already have it, so they aren’t going to work to change it. Don’t get me wrong, every country has some billionaires, multi-billionaires. And every country enables them like this. I find the US the saddest because from the outside it looks like the citizens are considered disposable, unless they are in the womb. They don’t care what kind of life the children will have, so long as they’re born. Then they’re just another disposable person. “At will” employment makes my blood boil! Where’s your job security?
Two weeks vacation a year… two! And due to “at will”, you’re often pressured to forgo it. I know more than most outsiders, my younger brother has lived in the States for over 20 years. He recently told me, proudly, he hasn’t taken a vacation in 7 years. I asked “why not?”, he replied, “well, someone I respect told me when I got this promotion, ‘let’s see you keep hold of it’”. Me! I was that person. Poor choice of words to encourage him to keep flying high. I’m like, “I never meant for you to compromise your physical and mental health. No job is worth 7 years of your life 24/7/365.” He shrugged and replied, “This is what it takes.” YOU. ALL. DESERVE. BETTER!
Fr I live in one of the poorest/most crime ridden cities in the US and we don't even have income tax. Taxes help the city, which helps make things better
Uh, upvoted… I know sarcasm when I read it 😉
This is why USA is being considered less and less a civilized country by us small fishes from the other side of the pond
Americans feel the same way
This comment is hidden. Click here to view.
I am so glad you let us know. I mean I know all over the news, people were wondering what Procrastionatiostation was thinking about the USA. It really helps us here. Thank you for your efforts.
I realize this kind of thread feels like the common BP trope, “let’s bash the USA”. Can’t blame you for that. I try to keep my posts respectful and, honest(!) it’s an overplayed record here. Some of us are trying hard to get through to people who aren’t Rostit and encourage them to see US citizens deserve better. I know you see the dystopia; don’t take these things personally. You aren’t the demographic we’re trying to convince to demand better of your government.
Thank you, JB. You may have just saved BP for me, as I was very close to deciding to stop coming here after double digit years. For the first time ever on this site, I lost my cool below and told someone to f off. I'm not proud of that, but it's so hard hearing that all Americans should be ashamed of themselves when so very many of us (and nearly every person in my orbit) care about this issue so much and are doing everything we can to try to turn the tide. It has pretty much been nonstop anguish here since Nov. 8, 2016. And it's so rare for anyone here on BP to support us good ones. Anyway, I'm very grateful for your comment and may you be the beneficiary of all good things.
The very first comment in this thread at least does say it's not just the US, it's worsening everywhere. I think most people who pay attention to the world realise that. Don't despair Red Marbles!
Thank you so much, Lucas! May you also be the beneficiary of all good things. :)
Thank you. My younger brother has lived in the US for over 20 years. I’m relying on people like you and him to fight within the system. Meanwhile, I’m going to push for those who don’t see how poorly you are being treated compared to most other Western Civilization countries. It’s not simple but I believe you deserve better.
Some people don't need it pointed out. But a large minority do.
So our image on the world stage means nothing to you?
This comment is hidden. Click here to view.
Agree, I would love that the U.S. had universal health care and stop spending, sending our tax monies to countries around the world. The $75 billion (so far) sent to Ukraine would help, also decommissioning the 80 some military bases throughout the world supported by U.S. tax dollars could possibly fund universal health care. But, alas the World seems to need a protector from the bad guys and it has fallen to America.
We are the bad guys.
This comment is hidden. Click here to view.
Ah, Europeans telling the world how only Europe is worth anything. So, basically,s ame thing the world's heard sicne the first Europeans left to conquer, colonize, etc. Got it. Olds, not news. BTW, how's that right wing fascism resurgence going in Europe?
At least there is a choice - not just right and further right. There are also centre left revivals going on. Europe is a variety of different countries though which is why the comparison doesn't work. Sure, raise colonialism, if history is the only way you can have a pop.