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Hey Pandas, What Was The Strangest Thing You Have Ever Seen On The Side Of The Road?
I have seen pig skins hanging on the fence.
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Uhhh idk there’s alot I won’t dive in into the bad ones tho.
This happened twice actually. One time on a bus another time on a road trip. You see where I live there is a lot of turtles , and I was one a bus ride to school one day when the bus driver noticed a (alive) turtle crossing the road . She immediately called up another kid to pick up the turtle and take it back to the pond , saving the turtles life. Now I’m on a road trip with my family one day when we see a (alive again) turtle crossing the street , my dad quickly went up grabbed the turtle (which was also a snapping turtle) and took the turtle back in the pond. Getting a lot of turtle bites along the way, at least the turtle didn’t get run over
Is it okay to say "your mum" as you have perfectly set up the question for that answer.
ah yes, “ What Was The Strangest Thing You Have Ever Seen On The Side Of The Road?” “your mum”
Probably a dead fox, tbh it was more sad than strange
Maybe not the strangest, but we saw an armadillo the other day! Living its best life, searching for food.
Wait I thought of the weirdest! It was two cows f*****g. Rural Oklahoma is weird
Dunno if this counts but while I was in Vegas I saw some dude taking a sh*t right on the street. Right outside of a Target. On The Strip pretty sure.
I saw an ostrich on the side of a two lane country road in the northwest region of Georgia, USA.
My mom grew up next to an ostrich farm, she grew up in different state but maybe people farm ostriches in Georgia to and it escaped?
i find dead things fascinating than strange. But the strangest thing i found on the street was probably a weird key, i took it and i lost it lol
Probably when I was I. St. Louis Missouri, I saw a pigeon eating a rat, a man laying in a pile of tires, and cars without tires on the sides of roads
A toilet. I was an art student and thought it would be a great to stop the car and take pictures of it. Weird times.
I've seen a toilet by the side of the road, too, and was going to post that.
My brother who had just gotten his driving license, his car and the police. My mum stopped behind the cops. The told her that they caught him speeding and were giving him a fine. After that i think the cops let my brother off easy because they saw in my mum's face that she wasn't going to let him get away easy when we got home. So my mother, brother and the cops
One day, we were going south on the freeway. On the other side of the freeway, going north there was a man mowing his grass on a tractor and the tractor was on fire! It was a divided highway and there was no way we could just turn around to warn him. But surely, someone going north would have warned him???
In Australia we often get strange but funny displays on the side of the road/farms around the holidays. Things like hay bales dressed as santas or minions, or mannequins on tractors etc. One time I saw one depicting each member of their family, dressed as santas, with a Merry Christmas and Thank you to firefighters sign (it was during bushfire season).
A dead squirrel whos heart was still beating. Like, you could see the heart. Poor thing just got run over like a second before
A bunch of teenagers laying on the side of the highway next to a pickup truck on my way to school.
Tom Green ******* a dead moose. I didn't see it first hand, but growing up in the 90s it's an image I can't get out of my head, for better or worse.
Should add: *growing up in Canada in the 90s - we have a strange sense of humour up here.
It was like the raw meat of a deer, the whole deer was there but the skin of its side was off and you could see the meat and bones. Not really strange but it stuck with me.
I walk to work and there is a random homemade Christmas sweater just laying in the road, it's been there for weeks. Then about a half block later there is a hoodie draped on a fence. Makes me wonder WTH happened. LOL
I used to commute a long distance on the highway, around 60 miles/95 km one way, and saw disturbing amounts of vehicles on fire on the side of the road. I saw one at least once a year, which is way more often than I feel it should have happened.
A burning cabin
Me and my mom saw things on the side of the road that looked like wombats. We don't live in australia so it was strange to see them.
A drum major hat? Like one from a high school? But it was super old and looked like it was from the 90s?
On the side of the road eh? A pickup truck, on fire, with a giant trailerm bug enough for two cars. On the trailer was a huge, monstrously huge decorative strawberry , at least 7 feet high (like for a parade or something) and two Harley bikes. A long haired, leather- clad guy (Harley's Angel?) was frantically hauling the motorcycles off the trailer. One of the most unexpected sights ever - TRuck, ok- trailer, ok- bikes ok but what was with that strawberry?
3 lawn chairs just sitting there or a HUGE american flag
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