It can be something you've done, or something you saw! Our brains just don't work sometimes


i was making pancakes earlier and i opened the egg and put it on the trash and the shell was on the pancake mix
-colander as "hole bowl"
-hedgehog as spiky potato animal
-forgot why im at school (saturday)
-i forgot the word "baby" and called them stomach creature
-i forgot to take my socks off when i started showering

i have a lot more but i forgot



I forget words a LOT, so I end up making new ones or doing vague hand gestures, or both. One time, I forgot the term for shears and I just said "tree scissors".


A Wild Bean (they/them/any)
Community Member
5 days ago Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lmao one time I forgot the word for knife and said "hey, has anyone seen the..." (awkward hand gestures) "cutty thing?"

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So my time zone was in China, so all my Discord messages said "tomorrow at 8:43 pm" and I was so confused


Community Member
5 days ago Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

😂time zones are confusing


- I put my plate in the fridge instead of the dishwasher
- I put my socks in the trash can instead of the laundry basket
- I went to the wrong class. Twice in a row.
- I referred to Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow. A few minutes later I called Phone Guy "Phone Man."
- On a chat with Rose, Donut, and Betta, I spent like two weeks thinking Rose's messages were coming from Betta and then asked Rose why she hadn't been on the chat (when in reality they were the most active person in the chat lol)


Bisexual Axolotls
Community Member
5 days ago Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

going to the wrong class is the most relatable thing ever-we have A and B days and i always forget

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One morning I accidentally put the cereal box in the fridge, and the milk in the cabinet. I was really tired that morning. 😅



I tired to tell my friend I loved her bag, ended up just saying 'I love you', and then walked off.



Me telling my sister not to eat with her mouth full. Idk either



One time the word electric kettle slipped my mind so I called it a water boiler.



I was working for a theatre company. We were in a meeting and I was referring to the next show in the season. The show was called, "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change." I couldn't for the life of me remember the exact title, so I just said the closest thing I could think of which was, "Trust Me, I Love You, Now Die." It was an honest mistake (that was just the first thing that popped into my head ), so we had a good laugh. Those would be two very different shows though!!



I fed cat food to my dog and dog food to my cats. For some reason, my dog was elated, but my cats were less than happy


Community Member
4 days ago Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Dogs cant have cat food, but cats can have dog food

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I once answered a question on my Spanish assignment in German. I suppose that’s what I get for doing my German Duolingo the night before.


Bisexual Axolotls
Community Member
2 days ago Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Somewhat similar, but I asked to go to the bathroom in Spanish (terribly, I don't speak Spanish, I don't know how I did that) in my German class yesterday and the teacher didn't even bat an eye


Just today I accidentally put the laundry detergent in the bleach dispenser. Then I thought I'd "fix" it buy putting more laundry detergent in the detergent dispenser. I had to put my clothes in another wash cycle just to make sure all that soap was rinsed out well.

Also today, I had started boiling water to make my daughter a heat pack. But I got lost in FB short videos and completely forgot about the water. I realized just in time to see that there was about a tablespoon of water left in the pot. XD
I was having a very absent-minded day.



When I was younger I was in a honors class,
We were playing this game idk what it was but the word “election” appeared.
We were supposed to make a definition for election and my brain just broke and thought election was a science word ☠️ . By the way this was in a HONORS CLASS -


Bisexual Axolotls
Community Member
2 days ago Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've found that the "smart" kids do the dumbest things tbh

See Also on Bored Panda

Today I made myself an ice tea. Got some lemon juice in a cup with an ice cube, pulled the powdered ice tea mix from the cabinet, stirred some around.

Then I picked up the mix.

Opened the fridge and nearly put it in before I was like “Wtf am I doing” 💀


Community Member
2 days ago Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

bro i fell on the ground laughing so hard my mom gave me some water because i literally gasping for air and laughing so hard...


I regularly call the dish washer the washing machine. Everyone in my family just rolls with it now.

Also, one time my friends and I were talking about the Heroes of Olympus and I said that “Leo’s Chinese Canadian right?”
I meant Frank 😭



Once I forget what kangaroos where called so I called them muscley rabbit people. I've almost put my dirty silverware in the trash instead of the sin, multiple times.



My electric car has a dial type indicator to show the power used or regained through regenerative braking. If you've never seen a variometer, it looks almost the same. A variometer is an instrument in aviation to (in simple terms) let you know how fast you are rising or sinking. I drove home from gliding, glanced down at the power dial and concluded my car was losing altitude at a considerable rate. Thankfully it was only for a tiny second.


See Also on Bored Panda

I was playing uno and I suddenly forgot how to play



my grandma.. oh- wrong post well uh- i put something on a random post 2 words in and i thought.. wth am i doing...?



A couple years ago we got a dog, not a dog that my father wanted, he only got him because my mother wanted him, just maybe a month ago the dog sadly passed, but maybe two months into owning the dog I had a dream where I was in the backyard throwing his favorite toy for him and for the next 3 weeks I proceeded to have that same dream over and over, every night, eventually one day it just... stopped, nothing like that has ever happened sense...



Oh!oh!oh!!!!! Okay this was maybe 6 years ago? So....(oh my goodness I love this story) 6 years ago we were having pizza, and my mother was cutting up the pizza and she needed the pizza cutter so she turns to my father and she goes 'hey could you pass me the ice cream scooper?' To this day! we call the ice cream scooper the pizza cutter, and the pizza cutter the ice cream scooper, she hates it, we love it.


See Also on Bored Panda

i started screaming broadway songs at 2 am and woke up my little sister
i called different types of apples breeds
broke my glasses in 4th grade and attempted to like forcefully push it back together



So one time our family went to Disneyland in California but they didn’t tell us. we were driving for a while and my mom said, “Hey Potater, read the sign.” The sign said something like “WELCOME TO DISNEYLAND” but i read the sign that said “no trucks allowed” and my whole family laughed 🤣


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